Sánchez A, Roos VH, Navarro M, Pineda M, Caballol B, Moreno L, Carballal S, Rodríguez-Alonso L, Ramon Y Cajal T, Llort G, Piñol V, Fernandez AL, Salces I, Picó MD, Rivas L, Bujanda L, Garzon M, Pizarro A, Martinez de Castro E, López-Arias MJ, Poves C, Garau C, Rodriguez-Alcalde D, Herraiz M, Alvarez-Urrutia C, Dacal A, Carrillo-Palau M, Cid L, Ponce M, Barreiro-Alonso E, Saperas E, Aguirre E, Romero C, Bastiaansen B, Gonzalez-Acosta M, Morales-Romero B, Ocaña T, Rivero-Sánchez L, Jung G, Bessa X, Cubiella J, Jover R, Rodríguez-Moranta F, Balmaña J, Brunet J, Castells A, Dekker E, Capella G, Serra-Burriel M, Moreira L, Pellise M, Balaguer F
Quality of Colonoscopy Is Associated With Adenoma Detection and Postcolonoscopy Colorectal Cancer Prevention in Lynch Syndrome
Mur P, Bonifaci N, Díez-Villanueva A, Munté E, Alonso MH, Obón-Santacana M, Aiza G, Navarro M, Piñol V, Brunet J, Tomlinson I, Capellá G, Moreno V, Valle L
Non-Lynch Familial and Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer Explained by Accumulation of Low-Risk Genetic Variants
Malagón M, Ramió-Pujol S, Serrano M, Amoedo J, Oliver L, Bahí A, Miquel-Cusachs JO, Ramirez M, Queralt-Moles X, Gilabert P, Saló J, Guardiola J, Piñol V, Serra-Pagès M, Castells A, Aldeguer X, Garcia-Gil LJ
New fecal bacterial signature for colorectal cancer screening reduces the fecal immunochemical test false-positive rate in a screening population