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EM-Line! Project: Cognitive rehabilitation from home

Neurodegeneration and Neuroimflammation group - Drs. J Gich, C Coll, J Salavedra, J Freixenet, Ll Ramió
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Minimum amount is €1 Maximum amount is €

About the project

The main objective of the EM-Line! project is to provide a tool for patients to carry out cognitive rehabilitation from home, adapting, extending and improving the available material.


What do we want to do?
Improve EM-Line!, a digital cognitive rehabilitation program that already benefits over 3,000 patients with neurological conditions, and create an adapted version for children. The goal is to provide accessible rehabilitation from home, free for families, and tailored to the needs of both children and adults.

Who will benefit?
This project can benefit people with neurological diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, stroke, or epilepsy, as well as children who need to strengthen their cognitive abilities at a crucial stage of their development. EM-Line! removes barriers like travel and cost, improving the quality of life for patients and their families.

What do we need to make it happen?
With your support, we can invest in the technology and professionals needed to make EM-Line! more innovative and inclusive, transforming lives everywhere.

