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About the IDIBGI Biobank
Organizational structure

About the IDIBGI Biobank

The IDIBGI Biobank is the support platform for research responsible for the management of human biological samples and associated data for research. This management includes collection, processing, storage, and transfer of samples to promote quality biomedical research.

Our goal is to contribute to the development of biomedical research of excellence, making available to the scientific community biological samples under certain legal, technical, organizational guarantees and respecting the rights of the donors.

The IDIBGI Biobank was authorized by the Department of Health in October 2013 and is enrolled in the Carlos III Health Institute National Register of Biobanks.

Organizational structure

The organizational structure of the Biobank allows for management of different collections of biological samples collected at the Hospital Universitari Dr. Josep Trueta de Girona (HUJT), the Institut d'Assistència Sanitària (IAS), and other associated centres, in accordance with current regulations (Law 14/2007, regarding Biomedical Research, and RD 1716/2011, Royal Decree regarding Biobanks).

The Biobank comprises two areas: The Central node, which integrates blood-derived samples and other fluids (urine, faeces, etc.), and the Tumour Bank node, which mainly includes samples of tumour tissue. Each of these is adequately enabled to process, store, and guard the specific type of sample.

The Biobank has a scientific director, a coordinator, a quality manager and laboratory technical staff:

  • Scientific director: José Manuel Fernández-Real
  • Coordinator: Laia Alsina 
  • Technical Staff Central Node: Gerard Pardo, Mar Rubio and Mònica Sabater
  • Technical Staff Tumour Bank node: Glòria Oliveras and Mar Rubio


And it is attached to two external advisory committees:

  • The external scientific committee, which is in charge of the scientific and technical quality of the Biobank.
    • President: Dr. Xavier Matías-Guiu, director of the Biomedical Research Institute of Lleida.
    • Members:
      • José Luis Díez, head of the haematology and Hemotherapy service at the Hospital General Universitari Gregorio Marañón.
      • Joan Josep Vendrell, Head of Endocrinology of the Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII.
      • Maria Ángeles Muñoz-Fernández of the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón.
      • Frederik Karpe, professor of metabolic medicine at the Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology & metabolism.
  • The ethics committee, which guarantees the protection of the dignity, rights, safety and welfare of donors, specifically in relation to consent, confidentiality, assessment of the benefit-risk balance of research and the uses that the samples and associated data are put to. The Clinical Research Ethics Committee with medicines (CREC) at the Hospital Universitari de Girona Dr. Josep Trueta assumes the functions of the Biobank ethics committee, with its own regulation.

