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The Neurodegeneration and Neuroimflammation group’s mission is to work in a multidisciplinary, coordinated and translational way to increase knowledge of neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory diseases to respond to the needs and demands of those suffering from them and their families.

Main lines of research

Clinical-care priority lines:

  • Study of neuropsychological alterations and cognitive rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis.
  • Study of the emotional impact, coping and adaptation to the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.
  • Improvement of the adherence to immunomodulatory treatment in multiple sclerosis.
  • Use of a multi-parametric, multi-user and multi-functional database for multiple sclerosis.
  • Implementation of the use of electronic devices to assess disability in patients with multiple sclerosis.
  • Application of new cranial MR techniques as prognosis markers in multiple sclerosis.
  • Computer assisted systematization of lesions seen on cranial MRIs in patients with multiple sclerosis.
  • Application and integration of information technologies in assistance activity and research in multiple sclerosis.
  • Treatment of orphans in hereditary ataxia.


Priority lines in basic research:

  • Study of the profiles of specific miRNAs for different clinical forms and progressions of multiple sclerosis.
  • Study of the DNA methylation profile of patients with multiple sclerosis.
  • Study of the molecular mechanisms associated to neurodegeneration.
  • Study of the progression of cognitive function biomarkers in patients with multiple sclerosis.
  • Determination of biological factors (genetic and biochemical) in response to immunomodulatory treatments in multiple sclerosis.
  • Study of the intestinal microbes in Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Bank of DNA, CSF, and serum samples for neuroimmunology diseases.
Strategic objectives
  • To be the reference group in the province of Girona in research and teaching in multiple sclerosis and other diseases
  • To have a national and international presence in the area of research in multiple sclerosis
  • To consolidate clinical research into multiple sclerosis
  • To consolidate basic research into multiple sclerosis
  • To promote and lead research into new treatments for multiple sclerosis
  • To begin clinical research into Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders
  • To begin clinical research into Alzheimer’s and other dementias
  • To consolidate clinical research into hereditary ataxia
  • To lead research into neuropsychology of multiple sclerosis on a national level
  • To establishing research collaborations with other national and international groups for multiple sclerosis
  • To promote research into multiple sclerosis in nursing and neuropsychology
  • To promote training and teaching in multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, hereditary ataxia and dementias for health professionals, specialists and affected patients and relatives alike
  • Technological innovation in multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative diseases
Villacieros-alvarez, J, Lunemann, JD, Sepulveda, M, Valls-Carbó, A, Dinoto, A, Fernández, V, Vilaseca, A, Castillo, M, Arrambide, G, Bollo, L, Espejo, C, Llufriu, S, Blanco, Y, Armangue, T, Bravo, GA, Quiroga-Varela, A, Torrenta, LR, Cobo-Calvo, A, Tintore, M, Mariotto, S, Montalban, X, Comabella, M

Complement Activation Profiles Predict Clinical Outcomes in Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody-Associated Disease

López Domínguez D, Alemany Perna B, Álvarez Bravo G

Late-onset chorea as first manifestation of cerebral amyloid angiopathy.

PARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS, 2025, 131, 107225-107225
Flores A, Garcia-Tornel A, Seró L, Ustrell X, Requena M, Pellisé A, Rodriguez P, Monterde A, Lara L, Gonzalez-de-Echavarri JM, Molina CA, Doncel-Moriano A, Dorado L, Cardona P, Cánovas D, Krupinski J, Más N, Purroy F, Zaragoza-Brunet J, Palomeras E, Cocho D, Garcia J, Colom C, Silva Y, Gomez-Cocho M, Jiménez X, Ros-Roig J, Abilleira S, Pérez de la Ossa N, Ribo M

Influence of vascular imaging acquisition at local stroke centers on workflows in the drip-n-ship model: a RACECAT post hoc analysis

Gich J, Salavedra-Pont J, Coll-Martinez C, Quintana E, Álvarez-Bravo G, Robles-Cedeño R, Buxó M, Contreras-Rodriguez O, Ramió-Torrentà L

The nature of memory impairment in multiple sclerosis: understanding different patterns over the course of the disease

Frontiers in Psychology, 2024, 14, 1269794-1269794
Rosell-Díaz M, Santos-González E, Motger-Albertí A, Gallardo-Nuell L, Arnoriaga-Rodríguez M, Coll-Martínez C, Ramió-Torrentà L, Garre-Olmo J, Puig J, Ramos R, Mayneris-Perxachs J, Manuel Fernández-Real J

Lower serum ferritin levels are associated with worse cognitive performance in aging

JOURNAL OF NUTRITION HEALTH & AGING, 2024, 28, 100190-100190
Motger-Albertí A, de la Calle E, Giménez M, Blasco G, Biarnés C, Arnoriaga-Rodríguez M, Puig J, Coll-Martínez C, Contreras-Rodríguez O, Fernández-Real JM

Increased brain fractional perfusion in obesity using intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) MRI metrics

Obesity, 2024, 32, 756-767
Alemany-Perna, B, Tamarit, J, Cabiscol, E, Delaspre, F, Miguela, A, Huertas-Pons, JM, Quiroga-Varela, A, Ruiz, MM, Dominguez, DL, Torrenta, L, Genis, D, Ros, J

Calcitriol Treatment Is Safe and Increases Frataxin Levels in Friedreich Ataxia Patients

MOVEMENT DISORDERS, 2024, 39, 1099-1108
Fernández, OF, Costa-Frossard, L, Ginés, MLM, Escribano, PM, González, JMP, Ramió-Torrentà, L, Aladro, Y, Torres, AA, Rodríguez, EA, Labiano-Fontcuberta, A, Pascual, LL, Martínez, AM, Torres, EM, Oliva-Nacarino, P

Practical tool to identify Spasticity-Plus Syndrome amongst patients with multiple sclerosis. Algorithm development based on a conjoint analysis

Frontiers in Neurology, 2024, 15, 1371644-1371644
Mademont-Soler I, Esteba-Castillo S, Jiménez-Xifra A, Alemany B, Ribas-Vidal N, Cutillas M, Coll M, Pinsach ML, Pagans S, Alcalde M, Viñas-Jornet M, Montero-Vale M, de Castro-Miró M, Rodríguez J, Armengol L, Queralt X, Obón M

Unexpected complexity in the molecular diagnosis of spastic paraplegia 11.

Molecular genetics & genomic medicine, 2024, 12, 2475-2475
Rosell-Díaz M, Petit-Gay A, Molas-Prat C, Gallardo-Nuell L, Ramió-Torrentà L, Garre-Olmo J, Pérez-Brocal V, Moya A, Jové M, Pamplona R, Puig J, Ramos R, Bäckhed F, Mayneris-Perxachs J, Fernández-Real JM

Metformin-induced changes in the gut microbiome and plasma metabolome are associated with cognition in men.

Competitive projects
Codi oficial: RD21/0002/0063 - EM Start date:01/01/2022 Data fi: 31/12/2025 Investigador/a principal: LLUÍS RAMIÓ TORRENTÀ Organisme finançador: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III
Codi oficial: Estudio de biomarcadores moleculares neurodegeneración Start date:01/01/2022 Data fi: 30/06/2025 Investigador/a principal: LLUÍS RAMIÓ TORRENTÀ Organisme finançador: FRANCISCO SORIA MELGUIZO, S.A
Codi oficial: HZ16YWZ3K Start date:01/01/2022 Data fi: 30/06/2025 Investigador/a principal: LLUÍS RAMIÓ TORRENTÀ Organisme finançador: AGÈNCIA DE GESTIÓ UNIVERSITARIS I RECERCA
Codi oficial: RED2022-134425-T Start date:01/06/2023 Data fi: 31/05/2025 Investigador/a principal: LLUÍS RAMIÓ TORRENTÀ, GARY CICERÓN ÁLVAREZ BRAVO Organisme finançador: MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA E INNOVACION
Codi oficial: PI23/00517 Start date:01/01/2024 Data fi: 31/12/2026 Investigador/a principal: ANNA QUIROGA VARELA, LLUÍS RAMIÓ TORRENTÀ Organisme finançador: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III
Codi oficial: COGNIPROG Start date:01/09/2023 Data fi: 20/04/2025 Investigador/a principal: LLUÍS RAMIÓ TORRENTÀ Organisme finançador: ASOCIACIÓN ESCLEROSIS MULTIPLE ESPAÑA (AEDEM)
Codi oficial: ECTRIMS2024: 344 Start date:23/09/2024 Data fi: 22/09/2025 Investigador/a principal: LLUÍS RAMIÓ TORRENTÀ, ÓSCAR DANIEL AYALA NARIÑO Organisme finançador: EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR TREATMENT AND RESEARCH IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS
Codi oficial: 2024 PROD 00183 Start date:02/12/2024 Data fi: 01/06/2026 Investigador/a principal: JORDI GICH FULLÀ Organisme finançador: AGÈNCIA DE GESTIÓ UNIVERSITARIS I RECERCA
Codi oficial: RD24/0007/0005 Start date:01/01/2025 Data fi: 31/12/2027 Investigador/a principal: LLUÍS RAMIÓ TORRENTÀ Organisme finançador: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III
Codi oficial: CPP2023-010463 Start date:01/09/2024 Data fi: 31/08/2027 Investigador/a principal: BERTA ALEMANY PERNA Organisme finançador: MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA E INNOVACION
Codi oficial: SLT035/24/000010 Start date:02/01/2025 Data fi: 01/01/2027 Investigador/a principal: MARINA GONZALEZ DEL RIO Organisme finançador: GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA
Codi oficial: CP24/00018 Start date:01/01/2025 Data fi: 31/12/2029 Investigador/a principal: ANNA QUIROGA VARELA Organisme finançador: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III
Codi oficial: CP24/00018 Projecte Start date:01/01/2025 Data fi: 31/12/2028 Investigador/a principal: ANNA QUIROGA VARELA Organisme finançador: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III
Clinical Guidelines

Guies mèdiques de la Societat Catalana de Neurologia: Diagnòstic i tractament de l’Esclerosi Múltiple. Societat Catalana de Neurologia.
Autors: Lluís Ramió-Torrentà, René Robles, Gary Alvarez, etc. 2020

Merchan-Ruiz M, González-del-Rio M, Ramió-Torrentà L, Del Olmo M, Vilalta T. Guia Sala de tractaments UNIEM-TG. Institut
d'Assistència Sanitària. 2020

Job offers


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