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Accounting audit and oversight reports
Annual report of the Code of Conduct
Grants and financial aid

Annual accounts

This section contains the information regarding the annual accounts that are the final point of the accounting sequence.

Approved, executed, and liquidated budgets

Here you can find information regarding budgets and their execution. The Annual Budget Act contains the income and the expense forecasts that must be executed during the fiscal year, as well as the explanation of the objectives that are intended to be achieved in the different policies with the resources allocated.

Approved budgets

See in the above Annual Accounts section, Annex I of the documents, with the executed and liquidated budgets.

The IDIBGI does not make temporary financial investments in the stock market. Consequently, it does not prepare reports regarding the fulfilment of the code of conduct that non-profit entities must follow when they make this type of investment, according to the agreement dated November 20, 2003, of the Council of the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores

2020 Informe codi conducta inv. financeres.pdf

As of 15/11/2022 this situation remains in force.


This section contains the inventory of real estate, furniture of special value and the asset management information.

Heritage managementMovable goods of special valueInventory of fixed assets

Documentation in force as of 15/11/2022.

Grants and financial aid

The IDIBGI has no grant activity. The public grants and funding awarded are of an internal nature and in collaboration with related entities (internal mobility grants, transfer of money for research staff intensification to related entities).

