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The Cerebrovascular Pathology Research Group is a multidisciplinary group with a consolidated track record of more than 20 years in translational research in acute stroke. The group's different lines of research aim to identify new biomarkers and therapeutic targets for the management of cerebrovascular disease. It is a pre-consolidated research group recognised by the Generalitat de Catalunya (2107 SGR 1730) with extensive collaborations with related groups, especially the groups that integrate the ICTUS area of the Xarxa Temàtica d'Investigació Cooperativa en Salut of the Institut de Salut Carlos III.

Main lines of research
  • Study blood and radiological biomarkers that are predictive of the evolution of ischemic and haemorrhagic cerebral lesions.
  • Identification of blood biomarkers that are predictive of vulnerable atheroma plaques in patients with carotid stenosis.
  • Application and utility of advanced neuroimaging predictors in the identification of recoverable brain tissue in the ischemic penumbra and progression predictors in cerebral haemorrhage.
  • Clinical aspects in the identification of underlying etiopathogenesis in cryptogenic stroke and uncommon cause stroke.
  • Basic research on the molecular mechanisms related to cerebral ischemia and the haemorrhagic transformation of ischemic lesions into experimental models in vitro and in vivo.
Strategic objectives
  • Increasing the number of published papers with members of the group as the first/last author.
  • Consolidating the constitutive critical mass of the group in the basic research section within the same institution.
  • Increase the number of doctoral theses directed within the group.
  • Obtaining recognition as a consolidated research group by the Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca de Catalunya.
Zapata-Arriaza E, Medina-Rodríguez M, Moniche Álvarez F, de Albóniga-Chindurza A, Aguilar-Pérez M, Ainz-Gómez L, Baena-Palomino P, Zamora A, Pardo-Galiana B, Delgado-Acosta F, Valverde Moyano R, Jiménez-Gómez E, Bravo Rey I, Oteros Fernández R, Escudero-Martínez I, Vielba-Gomez I, Morales Caba L, Díaz Pérez J, García Molina E, Mosteiro S, Castellanos Rodrigo MDM, Amaya Pascasio L, Hidalgo C, Freijo Guerrero MDM, González Díaz E, Ramírez Moreno JM, Fernández Prudencio L, Terceño Izaga M, Bashir Viturro S, Gamero-García MÁ, Jiménez Jorge S, Rosso Fernández C, Montaner J, González García A

Statistical analysis plan for the multicenter, open, randomized controlled clinical trial to assess the efficacy and safety of intravenous tirofiban vs aspirin in acute ischemic stroke due to tandem lesion, undergoing recanalization therapy by endovascular treatment (ATILA trial).

Trials, 2024, 25, 35-35
Rodrigo-Gisbert M, García-Tornel A, Requena M, Vielba-Gómez I, Bashir S, Rubiera M, De Dios Lascuevas M, Olivé-Gadea M, Piñana C, Rizzo F, Muchada M, Rodriguez-Villatoro N, Rodríguez-Luna D, Juega J, Pagola J, Hernández D, Molina CA, Terceño M, Tomasello A, Ribo M

Clinico-radiological features of intracranial atherosclerosis-related large vessel occlusion prior to endovascular treatment.

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2024, 14, 2945-2945
Hervella P, Sampedro-Viana A, Rodríguez-Yáñez M, López-Dequidt I, Pumar JM, Mosqueira AJ, Fernández-Rodicio S, Bazarra-Barreiros M, Serena J, Silva-Blas Y, Gubern-Merida C, Rey-Aldana D, Cinza S, Campos F, Sobrino T, Castillo J, Alonso-Alonso ML, Iglesias-Rey R

Systemic biomarker associated with poor outcome after futile reperfusion.

Campo-Caballero D, de la Riva P, de Arce A, Martínez-Zabaleta M, Rodríguez-Antigüedad J, Ekiza J, Iruzubieta P, Purroy F, Fuentes B, de Lera Alfonso M, Krupinski J, Mengual Chirife JJ, Palomeras E, Guisado-Alonso D, Rodríguez-Yáñez M, Ustrell X, Tejada García J, de Felipe Mimbrera A, Paré-Curell M, Tembl J, Cajaraville S, Garcés M, Serena J

Reperfusion treatment in acute ischaemic stroke due to cervical and cerebral artery dissection: results of a Spanish national multicentre study.

Neurologia, 2023, 38, 412-418
Terceño M, Silva Y, Bashir S, Chamorro Á, Perez de la Ossa N, Hernández-Pérez M, Castaño C, Camps-Renom P, Wenger D, Cardona P, Molina C, Rodríguez-Campello A, Canovas D, Purroy F, Salvat-Plana M, Serena J

First pass effect in posterior circulation occlusions: Analysis from the CICAT registry

Olivé-Gadea M, Pérez de la Ossa N, Jovin TG, Abilleira S, Jiménez-Fàbrega X, Cardona P, Chamorro Á, Flores A, Silva Y, Purroy F, Martí-Fàbregas J, Rodríguez-Campello A, Zaragoza J, Krupinski J, Canovas D, Gomez-Choco M, Mas N, Palomeras E, Cocho D, Aragones JM, Repullo C, Sanjurjo E, Carrion D, Catena E, Costa X, Almendros MC, Barceló M, Monedero J, Rybyeba M, Diaz G, Ribo M

Evolution of quality indicators in acute stroke during the RACECAT Trial: Impact in the general population

Hernández-Pérez M, Werner M, Remollo S, Martín C, Cortés J, Valls A, Ramos A, Dorado L, Serena J, Munuera J, Puig J, Pérez de la Ossa N, Gomis M, Carbonell J, Castaño C, Muñoz-Narbona L, Palomeras E, Domenech S, Massuet A, Terceño M, Davalos A, Millán M

Early and Delayed Infarct Growth in Patients Undergoing Mechanical Thrombectomy: A Prospective, Serial MRI Study.

Stroke, 2023, 54, 217-225
Terceno, M, Bashir, S, Cienfuegos, J, Murillo, A, Vera-Monge, VA, Pardo, L, Reina, M, Gubern-Merida, C, Puigoriol-Illamola, D, Carballo, L, Costa, A, Buxo, M, Serena, J, Silva, Y

General anesthesia versus conscious sedation during endovascular treatment in posterior circulation large vessel occlusion: A systematic review and meta-analysis

European Stroke Journal, 2023, 8, 85-92
McDonough RV, Ospel JM, Majoie CBLM, Saver JL, White P, Dippel DWJ, Brown SB, Demchuk AM, Jovin TG, Mitchell PJ, Bracard S, Campbell BCV, Muir KW, Hill MD, Guillemin F, Goyal M, HERMES collaborators

Clinical outcome of patients with mild pre-stroke morbidity following endovascular treatment: a HERMES substudy.

García-Tornel Á, Flores A, Terceño M, Cardona P, Amaro S, Gomis M, Zaragoza J, Krupinski J, Gómez-Choco M, Mas N, Cocho D, Catena E, Purroy F, Deck M, Rubiera M, Pagola J, Rodriguez-Luna D, Juega J, Rodríguez-Villatoro N, Molina CA, Soro C, Jimenez X, Salvat-Plana M, Dávalos A, Jovin TG, Abilleira S, Pérez de la Ossa N, Ribó M

Association of Time of Day With Outcomes Among Patients Triaged for a Suspected Severe Stroke in Nonurban Catalonia.

Stroke, 2023, 54, 770-780
Competitive projects
Codi oficial: PI19/01776 Start date:01/01/2020 Data fi: 30/06/2024 Investigador/a principal: JOAQUIN SERENA LEAL Organisme finançador: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III
Codi oficial: FI20/00305 Start date:01/01/2021 Data fi: 31/12/2024 Investigador/a principal: JOAQUIN SERENA LEAL Organisme finançador: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III
Codi oficial: PI21/00209 Start date:01/01/2022 Data fi: 31/12/2024 Investigador/a principal: YOLANDA SILVA BLAS Organisme finançador: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III
Codi oficial: RD21/0006/0011 - ICTUS Start date:01/01/2022 Data fi: 31/12/2024 Investigador/a principal: JOAQUIN SERENA LEAL, YOLANDA SILVA BLAS Organisme finançador: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III
Codi oficial: PI22/01073 ANEUGIR Start date:01/01/2023 Data fi: 31/12/2025 Investigador/a principal: JOAQUIN SERENA LEAL, MIKEL TERCEÑO IZAGA Organisme finançador: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III
Codi oficial: 50NHNSJJR Start date:01/01/2022 Data fi: 30/06/2025 Investigador/a principal: YOLANDA SILVA BLAS Organisme finançador: AGENCIA DE GESTIO D'AJUTS UNIV. I RECER.
Codi oficial: CPP2021-008378 RACETOLL Start date:01/03/2022 Data fi: 28/02/2025 Investigador/a principal: MIKEL TERCEÑO IZAGA Organisme finançador: MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD MINECO /
Codi oficial: INT23/00065 Start date:01/01/2024 Data fi: 31/12/2024 Investigador/a principal: YOLANDA SILVA BLAS Organisme finançador: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III
Codi oficial: IFEQ22/00076 Start date:01/01/2023 Data fi: 31/12/2024 Investigador/a principal: JOAQUIN SERENA LEAL, ANNA RIBAS GUBAU Organisme finançador: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III

Joaquín Serena, Carme Gubern, Yolanda Silva, Mikel Terceño, Saima Bashir, José Castillo, Tomás Sobrino.
Número de publicació: WO2020234269
Data de publicació: 2020-11-26

Guies clíniques

- Guies mèdiques oficials de diagnòstic i tractament de la Societat Catalana de Neurologia (SCN) (3ª edició - 2019). Protocol de tractament. Diagnòstic i tractament de les malalties vasculars cerebrals. 2019.

- Guies Societat Catalana de Neurologia 2018:Diagnòstic i Tractament de les malalties cerebrovasculars. Capítol: Hemorràgia intracerebral.

- Alonso de Leciñana M, Egido JA, Casado I, Ribó M, Dávalos A, Masjuan J, Caniego JL, Martínez Vila E, Díez Tejedor E; ad hoc committee of the SEN Study Group for Cerebrovascular Diseases, Fuentes B, Álvarez-Sabin J, Arenillas J, Calleja S, Castellanos M, Castillo J, Díaz-Otero F, López-Fernández JC, Freijo M, Gállego J, García-Pastor A, Gil-Núñez A, Gilo F, Irimia P, Lago A, Maestre J, Martí-Fábregas J, Martínez-Sánchez P, Molina C, Morales A, Nombela F, Purroy F, Rodríguez-Yañez M, Roquer J, Rubio F, Segura T, Serena J, Simal P, Tejada J, Vivancos J. “Guidelines for the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke”. Neurologia. 2014; 29:102-22. PMID: 22152803. I.F.: 1.35.

- Vivancos J, Gilo F, Frutos R, Maestre J, García-Pastor A, Quintana F, Roda JM, Ximénez-Carrillo A; por el Comité ad hoc del Grupo de Estudio de Enfermedades Cerebrovasculares de la SEN:, Díez Tejedor E, Fuentes B, Alonso de Leciñana M, Alvarez-Sabin J, Arenillas J, Calleja S, Casado I, Castellanos M, Castillo J, Dávalos A, Díaz-Otero F, Egido JA, Fernández JC, Freijo M, Gállego J, Gil-Núñez A, Irimia P, Lago A, Masjuan J, Martí-Fábregas J, Martínez-Sánchez P, Martínez-Vila E, Molina C, Morales A, Nombela F, Purroy F, Ribó M, Rodríguez-Yañez M, Roquer J, Rubio F, Segura T, Serena J, Simal P, Tejada J. “Guía de actuación clínica en la hemorragia subaracnoidea. Sistemática diagnóstica y tratamiento”. Neurologia. 2014;29:353-70. PMID: 23044408. I.F.: 1.35.

- Fuentes B, Gállego J, Gil-Nuñez A, Morales A, Purroy F, Roquer J, Segura T, Tejada J, Lago A, Díez-Tejedor E; por el Comitéad hoc del Grupo de Estudio de Enfermedades Cerebrovasculares de la SEN:, Alonso de Leciñana M, Alvarez-Sabin J, Arenillas J, Calleja S, Casado I, Castellanos M, Castillo J, Dávalos A, Díaz-Otero F, Egido JA, López-Fernández JC, Freijo M, García Pastor A, Gilo F, Irimia P, Maestre J, Masjuan J, Martí-Fábregas J, Martínez-Sánchez P, Martínez-Vila E, Molina C, Nombela F, Ribó M, Rodríguez-Yañez M, Rubio F, Serena J, Simal P, Vivancos J; Comité ad hoc del Grupo de Estudio de Enfermedades Cerebrovasculares de la SEN. “Guidelines for the preventive treatment of ischaemic stroke and TIA (II). Recommendations according to aetiological sub-type”. Neurologia. 2014;29:168-83. PMID: 21937151. I.F.: 1.35

- Fuentes B,Amaro S,Alonso de Leciñana M,Arenillas JF,Ayo Martín O,Castellanos M,Freijo M,García Pastor A,Gomis M,Gómez Choco M,López Cancio E,Martínez Sánchez P,Morales A,Palacio Portilla EJ,Rodríguez Yáñez M,Roquer J,Segura T,Serena J,Vivancos Mora J,Comité ad hoc del Grupo de Estudio de Enfermedades Cerebrovasculares de la S. Stroke prevention in patients with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes. Recommendations  from the Cerebrovascular Diseases Study Group, Spanish Society of Neurology.Neurologia. 2021. 36. (4):p. 305-323. IF:3,109. (Q3).

- García Pastor A,López Cancio Martínez E,Rodríguez Yáñez M,Alonso de Leciñana M,Amaro S,Arenillas JF,Ayo Martín O,Castellanos M,Fuentes B,Freijo MM,Gomis M,Gómez Choco M,Martínez Sánchez P,Morales A,Palacio Portilla EJ,Segura T,Serena J,Vivancos Mora J,Roquer J,Ad hoc committee of the Spanish Society of Neurology's Cerebrovascular Disease S. Recommendations of the Spanish Society of Neurology for the prevention of stroke. Interventions on lifestyle and air pollution.Neurologia (Engl Ed). 2021. 36. (5):p. 377-387.

- Rodríguez Yañez M,Gómez Choco M,López Cancio E,Amaro S,Alonso de Leciñana M,Arenillas JF,Ayo Martín O,Castellanos M,Freijo MM,García Pastor A,Gomis M,Martínez Sánchez P,Morales A,Palacio Portilla EJ,Roquer J,Segura T,Serena J,Vivancos Mora J,Fuentes B,ad hoc committee of the Spanish Society of Neurology's Study Group for C. Stroke prevention in patients with arterial hypertension: Recommendations of the Spanish Society of Neurology's Stroke Study Group. Neurologia (Engl Ed). 2021. 36. (6):p. 462-471.

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