The second edition of the Sepsis and Infectious Diseases Research Award of the Girona Health Region is announced. The award is intended to distinguish a research work on sepsis and infectious diseases that has already been completed, whether published or accepted for publication (in press). It is an initiative of the principal investigator of the Infection, sepsis and multi-organ dysfunction in the critically ill patient research group at IDIBGI, Dr. Josep Maria Sirvent.
The aim is to recognise projects on sepsis and infectious diseases that have already generated published results, thus promoting research in this field. Priority will be given to work that has contributed to or focused on obtaining a doctoral thesis.
The prize is endowed with €6,000, which will be spent on research-related concepts during the following year, starting from the date of the award date.
How to participate?
Send the documentation specified in the prize rules to before midnight on 29 May 2024, indicating ‘Premi Sèpsia i Malalties Infeccioses 2024’ in the subject line.