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Pau Batlle (Observatori sobre determinants socials i desigualtats en salut i benestar); Dr. Josep Puig (IDI i IDIBGI); Prof. Dr. Marc Saez (GRECS UdG i CIBERESP); AQuAS; Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya; Pilar Monreal-Bosch (UdG); Jordi Picas i Mohamed El Amrani (SuaraLab); Dr. Jesús Pérez-Llano, CEO TedCas i Dr. Jordi Morillas Pérez (SCIAS-Hospital de Barcelona); Albert Sabater (UdG)
13:00 h

The cycle of Demonstrative Workshops to promote research and innovation in Healthy Aging is a space aimed at researchers, companies, administrations and other entities interested in learning about tools and resources to apply in their research projects or innovation processes. The cycle is organized by Campus Salut and Campus Cohesion and Social Commitment of the UdG and IDIBGI.

Through a repertoire of nine short, dynamic and interactive workshops, participants will learn about different resources and innovative strategies that can be integrated into the development of their innovation and research activities.

The cycle will consist of three face-to-face sessions, with three workshops each, framed in three of the five strategic lines in which the proposals that emerged from the Innovem Forum on Healthy Aging held in July 2020 were specified:

  • Session 1. Thursday, February 10, 13h. Develop scientific evidence on the identification and estimation of the impact of the determinants of healthy aging.
  • Session 2. Thursday, February 17, 13h. Promote research on implementation strategies and effectiveness of interventions for the promotion of healthy aging.
  • Session 3. Thursday, February 24, 13h. Promote research on new technologies and community resources for the promotion of healthy aging.

You may be interested if you are...

Research staff or you are part of a company, an administration or an entity interested in learning about new resources and strategies to adopt innovative solutions in your professional practice or research projects.

♦ The Josep Pallach Institute of Education Sciences of the UdG will issue a certification to the attendees.

Find more information here.

