Plaja A, Teruel I, Ochoa-de-Olza M, Cucurull M, Arroyo ÁJ, Pardo B, Ortiz I, Gil-Martin M, Piulats JM, Pla H, Fina C, Carbó A, Barretina-Ginesta MP, Martínez-Román S, Carballas E, González A, Esteve A, Romeo M
Prognostic Role of Neutrophil, Monocyte and Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratios in Advanced Ovarian Cancer According to the Time of Debulking Surgery
Rubió-Casadevall J, Carbó-Bagué A, Puigdemont M, Osca-Gelis G, Oliveras G, Vilar-Coromina N, Ferrer-Fabrega B, Urban A, Llobet-Roma M, Martín-Romero F, Perez-Bueno F, Marcos-Gragera R
Population-based analysis of the prevalence of BRAF mutation in patients diagnosed with cutaneous melanoma and its significance as a prognostic factor
Soosaipillai G, Wu A, Dettorre GM, Diamantis N, Chester J, Moss C, Aguilar-Company J, Bower M, Sng CC, Salazar R, Brunet J, Jones E, Mesia R, Jackson A, Mukherjee U, Sita-Lumsden A, Seguí E, Ottaviani D, Carbó A, Benafif S, Würstlein R, Carmona C, Chopra N, Cruz CA, Swallow J, Saoudi N, Felip E, Galazi M, Garcia-Fructuoso I, Lee AJX, Newsom-Davis T, Wong YNS, Sureda A, Maluquer C, Ruiz-Camps I, Cabirta A, Prat A, Loizidou A, Gennari A, Ferrante D, Tabernero J, Russell B, Van Hemelrijck M, Dolly S, Hulbert-Williams NJ, Pinato DJ
Specialist palliative and end-of-life care for patients with cancer and SARS-CoV-2 infection: a European perspective
Pinato DJ, Lee AJX, Biello F, Seguí E, Aguilar-Company J, Carbó A, Bruna R, Bower M, Rizzo G, Benafif S, Carmona C, Chopra N, Cruz CA, D'Avanzo F, Evans JS, Galazi M, Garcia-Fructuoso I, Dalla Pria A, Newsom-Davis T, Ottaviani D, Patriarca A, Reyes R, Sharkey R, Sng CCT, Wong YNS, Ferrante D, Scotti L, Avanzi GC, Bellan M, Castello LM, Marco-Hernández J, Mollà M, Pirisi M, Ruiz-Camps I, Sainaghi PP, Gaidano G, Brunet J, Tabernero J, Prat A, Gennari A
Presenting Features and Early Mortality from SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Cancer Patients during the Initial Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Europe