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Codi oficial: JFMW7PBTG Data inicio:01/01/2022 Data fi: 30/06/2025 Investigador/a principal: PERE PLANELLAS GINE Organisme finançador: AGENCIA DE GESTIO D'AJUTS UNIV. I RECER.
Codi oficial: 2023_FAECP_PPG Data inicio:01/04/2023 Data fi: 30/06/2024 Investigador/a principal: ERNESTO BARZOLA NAVARRO, PERE PLANELLAS GINE Organisme finançador: F. ASOC. ESP. COLOPROCTOLOGIA
Codi oficial: 2023_ACMG_PPG_Projecte Data inicio:31/05/2023 Data fi: 30/05/2025 Investigador/a principal: PERE PLANELLAS GINE Organisme finançador: FUNDACIÓ ACADÈMIA CIÈNCIES MÈDIQUES
Codi oficial: 2023_AEC_PPG Data inicio:22/06/2023 Data fi: 21/06/2025 Investigador/a principal: PERE PLANELLAS GINE Organisme finançador: ASOCIACION ESPAÑOLA DE CIRUJANOS
Codi oficial: FAECP_2024_NOT Data inicio:04/04/2024 Data fi: 03/04/2026 Investigador/a principal: NURIA ORTEGA TORRECILLA Organisme finançador: F. ASOC. ESP. COLOPROCTOLOGIA
Codi oficial: FAECP_2024_PPG Data inicio:01/01/2024 Data fi: 31/12/2025 Investigador/a principal: PERE PLANELLAS GINE Organisme finançador: F. ASOC. ESP. COLOPROCTOLOGIA


Planellas Giné P, Castro Gutiérrez E, Cornejo L, Farrés Coll R

Recomendaciones para el paciente durante el tratamiento del cáncer colorrectal mediante la vía de recuperación intensificada.

Revista Espanola De Salud Publica, 2023, 97
Planellas P, Cornejo L, Ortega N, Delisau O, Farrés R

Transanal minimally invasive surgery for rectal anastomotic complications after colorectal surgery.

Ocaña J, García-Pérez JC, Fernández-Martínez D, Aguirre I, Pascual I, Lora P, Espin E, Labalde-Martínez M, León C, Pastor-Peinado P, López-Domínguez C, Muñoz-Plaza N, Valle A, Dujovne P, Alías D, Pérez-Santiago L, Correa A, Carmona M, Díez MM, Timoteo A, Salvans S, Medina RE, Gómez T, Fernández-Vega L, Peña E, García-González JM, Blanco-Antona F, Fábregues AI, Sagarra E, Viejo E, Moreno A, Fernández-Cebrián JM, Die J, DIPLICAB Study Collaborative Group

Diverticulitis with abscess formation: Outcomes of non-operative management and nomogram for predicting emergency surgery: The Diplicab Study Collaborative Group.

Surgery, 2023, 174, 492-501
Planellas P, Marinello F, Elorza G, Golda T, Farrés R, Espín-Basany E, Enríquez-Navascués JM, Kreisler E, Cornejo L, Codina-Cazador A

Impact on defecatory, urinary and sexual function after high-tie sigmoidectomy: a post-hoc analysis of a multicenter randomized controlled trial comparing extended versus standard complete mesocolon excision.

Barzola E, Cornejo L, Gómez N, Pigem A, Julià D, Ortega N, Delisau O, Bobb KA, Farrés R, Planellas P

Comparative analysis of short-term outcomes and oncological results between robotic-assisted and laparoscopic surgery for rectal cancer by multiple surgeon implementation: a propensity score-matched analysis.

Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2023, 17, 3013-3023
Planellas P, Cornejo L, Ehsan A, Reina F, Ortega-Torrecilla N, Maldonado E, Codina-Cazador A, Osorio M, Farrés R, Carrera A

Urethral Injury in Rectal Cancer Surgery: A Comprehensive Study Using Cadaveric Dissection, Imaging Analyses, and Clinical Series.

Cancers, 2023, 15
Planellas P, Marinello F, Elorza G, Golda T, Farrés R, Espín-Basany E, Enríquez-Navascués JM, Kreisler E, Cornejo L, Codina-Cazador A

Extended Versus Standard Complete Mesocolon Excision in Sigmoid Colon Cancer A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial

ANNALS OF SURGERY, 2022, 275, 271-280
Hidalgo-Pujol M, Biondo S, Die Trill J, Vigorita V, Paniagua Garcia-Señorans M, Pascual Migueláñez I, Prieto-La Noire F, Timoteo A, Cornejo L, Martín Parra JI, Fidalgo García M, Solís-Peña A, Cirera de Tudela A, Rodriguez González A, Sánchez-Guillen L, Bustamante Recuenco C, Pérez-Alonso C, Hurtado Caballero E, Pascual M, García Septiem J, Mora López L, Cervera-Aldama J, Guadalajara H, Espín E, Kreisler E

Upfront surgery versus self-expanding metallic stent as bridge to surgery in left-sided colonic cancer obstruction: A multicenter observational study

Surgery, 2022, 172, 74-82
Planellas P, Cornejo L, Farrés R, Pigem A, Timoteo A, Ortega N, Pellino G, Rodríguez-Hermosa JI, López-Bonet E, Fernández-Real JM, Codina-Cazador A

Prognostic significance of the microbiome-adipose tissue axis in rectal cancer: protocol of a prospective observational study

BJS Open, 2022, 6
Planellas P, Cornejo L, Pigem A, Gómez-Romeu N, Julià-Bergkvist D, Ortega N, Rodríguez-Hermosa JI, Farrés R

Challenges and Learning Curves in Adopting TaTME and Robotic Surgery for Rectal Cancer: A Cusum Analysis

Cancers, 2022, 14

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