Vasileva F, Font-Lladó R, Carreras-Badosa G, Roman-Viñas B, Cadellans-Arróniz A, López-Bermejo A, Prats-Puig A
Salivary cardiac-enriched FHL2-interacting protein is associated with higher diastolic-to-systolic-blood pressure ratio, sedentary time and center of pressure displacement in healthy 7-9 years old school-children
Vasileva, F, Font-Lladó, R, Carreras-Badosa, G, Cazorla-González, J, López-Bermejo, A, Prats-Puig, A
Integrated neuromuscular training intervention applied in schools induces a higher increase in salivary high molecular weight adiponectin and a more favorable body mass index, cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle strength in children as compared to the traditional physical education classes
Vasileva, F, Carreras-Badosa, G, Bassols, J, Serrano-Ferrer, J, Font-Lladó, R, López-Ros, V, Osiniri, I, Martínez-Calcerrada, JM, San Millán, M, López-Bermejo, A, Prats-Puig, A
Insulin resistance, C-reactive protein, diastolic to systolic blood pressure ratio and epicardial fat are related to sedentary time, and inversely related to physical activity in school-aged children
Vasileva, F, Carreras-Badosa, G, Serrano-Ferrer, J, Mas-Parés, B, Gómez-Villarubla, A, Osiniri-Kippes, I, Bassols, J, Prats-Puig, A, López-Bermejo, A
Higher levels of liver enzymes are associated with increased left ventricular mass in apparently healthy children. Potential role of HMW-adiponectin and epicardial fat