The Pàdel Estany charity tournament united sport and solidarity on 15 and 16 June at the club's facilities in Porqueres, raising funds for the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Diseases research group at the Dr. Josep Trueta Biomedical Research Institute of Girona (IDIBGI).
The event attracted more than 50 registered participants who, through their participation, collaborated with the IDIBGI's research on Respiratory Cardiovascular Diseases led by Dr. Olga Tura. The winners of the tournament were awarded a prize of a set of IDIBG gift vouchers.
The collection helps to improve the understanding, treatment and diagnosis of cardiac and respiratory diseases. These diseases greatly affect the quality of life of the patients who suffer from them. At the tournament, tickets were also handed out to participate in a charity raffle with a shirt and a Girona FC
shirt signed by the players.
The IDIBGI would like to thank the organisation of the Pàdel Estany club for supporting this cause by organising the charity tournament and the translational research group in Cardiovascular and Respiratory Diseases for making this opportunity to enjoy sport and collaborate with biomedical research
The Institute for Biomedical Research of Girona Dr. Josep Trueta (IDIBGI) carries out translational research to improve people's health and care. IDIBGI is organised into 24 research groups divided into five scientific areas (Cardiovascular and Respiratory, Metabolism and Inflammation, Neurosciences,
Oncohematology and Mental Health) that bring together more than 400 people, including health professionals and basic researchers, in the Girona region. The IDIBGI is a public foundation made up of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Institut Català Salut (ICS) Girona, the Institut d'Assistència Sanitària
(IAS), the Institut Català d'Oncologia (ICO) Girona, and the Universitat de Girona. It has been a CERCA centre (Research Centres of Catalonia) since 2005.