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Mètode de finalització de la campanyaPredicting the growth of intracerebral haemorrhage and perihematoma oedema using circulating miRNAs
Haemorrhagic stroke, caused by the rupture of a cerebral blood vessel, accounts for 15% of strokes. It is a devastating disease for which there is no specific treatment and for which there is a mortality rate of between 35 and 50%, mostly in the first two years after the onset of the stroke. Neurological deterioration in intracerebral haemorrhage has been associated with haematoma growth and perihaematoma oedema. There is a biomarker that is evaluated using imaging techniques, specifically computed tomography angiography (CTA), which can predict the growth of the haematoma and the clinical prognosis of the patient who has suffered an intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH). Unfortunately, not all centres are able to perform CTA or other imaging techniques, and so far no blood biomarkers have been identified to predict the growth of the haematoma and the functional prognosis of patients. The aim of the proposed study is to evaluate the usefulness of circulating blood microRNAs as biomarkers predictive of haematoma growth and functional prognosis in patients with haemorrhagic stroke.
The identification of miRNA biomarkers of haematoma growth and perihaematoma oedema, associated with early neurological deterioration in patients with ICH, would complement the therapeutic decision tree used in daily clinical practice by vascular neurologists. This would optimise the management during the acute phase of patients with haemorrhagic stroke who present haematoma growth, in order to help prevent haematoma growth and improve the evolution and functional prognosis of these patients.