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What influence does general anaesthesia or conscious sedation have on stroke treatment status and survival?

Cerebrovascular Pathology group (Unitat ICTUS) -  Drs/es Terceño, M., Silva, Y. i Serena, J.
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About the project

Estudio multicéntrico observacional en la trombectomía mecánica posterior: sedación consciente frente a anestesia general MORPHEUS


Summary of the idea:

The MORPHEUS registry aims to evaluate prospectively and for the first time, the role of general anaesthesia and conscious sedation in posterior circulation strokes treated with mechanical thrombectomy.

A prospective multicentre registry is designed in national centres with a high level of experience in the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke.

General anaesthesia will be compared with conscious sedation and its impact on functional status and survival 3 months after stroke will be studied.

Objectives, impact and proposed solution:

The main objective of the study is to determine whether the use of general anaesthesia is independently associated with a better functional and vital prognosis, compared to conscious sedation, in patients with acute posterior circulation strokes treated with mechanical thrombectomy.

This study will be the first prospective systematised registry studying the effect of anaesthesia on posterior circulation strokes.

It will help to find out what type of anaesthesia is appropriate to use during the procedure of mechanical thrombectomy for stroke.

The scope of the research is expected to be international with a high impact on the stroke scientific community.

If the negative effect of general anaesthesia is confirmed, it would have a direct impact on the usual clinical practice in the management of acute strokes, being an essential factor in the therapeutic decision to be used, and achieving a decrease in mortality and a better functional prognosis.

