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Mètode de finalització de la campanyaProjects and interventions for the prevention of suicidal behaviour
Suicide is the leading cause of violent death and one of the leading causes of premature death, surpassing mortality caused by traffic accidents. This mortality occurs mainly in the age group between 15 and 44 years, which is why suicide behaviour has become a priority in our health system. In the RS of Girona in 2016 there were 64 deaths from suicide, with a rate of 7.6 /100,000 inhabitants. Fortunately, deaths from suicide are relatively low in most populations; in the United States the probability of dying from suicide is around 0.00013 people/year, and this is lower in Spain. Nevertheless, suicide has enormous family and social consequences. Suicide is associated with early temptations, mental disorders, alcohol consumption and stressful situations, all of which are susceptible to preventive intervention.