de la Torre R, de Sola S, Farré M, Xicota L, Cuenca-Royo A, Rodriguez J, León A, Langohr K, Gomis-González M, Hernandez G, Esteba S, Del Hoyo L, Sánchez-Gutiérrez J, Cortés MJ, Ozaita A, Espadaler JM, Novell R, Martínez-Leal R, Milá M, Dierssen M
A phase 1, randomized double-blind, placebo controlled trial to evaluate safety and efficacy of epigallocatechin-3-gallate and cognitive training in adults with Fragile X syndrome
Efficacy and safety of a GABAergic drug (Gamalate® B6): effects on behavior and cognition in young adults with borderline-to-mild intellectual developmental disabilities and ADHD.
Hassiotis A, Brown E, Harris J, Helm D, Munir K, Salvador-Carulla L, Bertelli M, Baghdadli A, Wieland J, Novell-Alsina R, Cid J, Vergés L, Martínez-Leal R, Mutluer T, Ismayilov F, Emerson E
Association of Borderline Intellectual Functioning and Adverse Childhood Experience with adult psychiatric morbidity. Findings from a British birth cohort