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IDIBGI - Who we are

Who we are

Organizational and functional structure
Missatge del Director
IDIBGI in figures
Organization chart
Strategic Plan
HR Excellence in Research
Equality Plan
Corporative video

Description, mission, vision and values

The Girona Biomedical Research Institute Dr. Josep Trueta (IDIBGI) carries out translational research to improve health and care of people. IDIBGI is organised into 24 research groups distributed in five scientific areas (Cardiovascular and Respiratory, Metabolism and Inflammation, Neurosciences, Oncohematology and Mental Health) that bring together more than 400 people, including health professionals and basic researchers, in the region of Girona.

The IDIBGI is a private foundation of the public sector of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and its board of trustees is composed of the Departments of Health and Research, the Catalan Health Institute (ICS) Girona, the Institute of Health Care (IAS), the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) Girona, and the University of Girona. The IDIBGI is a CERCA centre (Research Centres of Catalonia).

The IDIBGI also has collaboration agreements with the Institut de Diagnòstic per la Imatge (IDI), the Banc de Sang i Teixits (BST), l'Escola Universitària de la Salut i l'Esport a Catalunya a Girona (EUSES), and with the regional health institutions Fundació Salut Empordà (FSE), Serveis de Salut Integrats Baix Empordà (SSIBE), Corporació de Salut del Maresme i la Selva (CSMS) and Fundació Hospital d'Olot i Comarcal de la Garrotxa (FHOG).

Mission:To promote translational research of excellence to preserve and improve people's health and care.
Vision:To become a biomedical research institute of excellence contributing to improve people's health and care, through transformative changes, while commited to the Sustainable Development Goals.
• Integrity

• Commitment

• Equity

• Continuous improvement

• Teamwork

• Sustainability

• Transparency

Photography credits: Xavi Juanola.

IDIBGI in figures

Previous year-end data (2022)
Research groups
Active competitive projects
Active patent families
Active clinical trials
Original articles
IDIBGI Friends

Organization Chart

Strategic Plan

Mission: To promote translational research of excellence to preserve and improve people's health and care.
Vision: To become a biomedical research institute of excellence contributing to improve people's health and care, through transformative changes, while commited to the Sustainable Development Goals.
• Integrity

• Commitment

• Equity

• Continuous improvement

• Teamwork

• Sustainability

• Transparency

Find here the IDIBGI Strategic Plan 2023-2027:

Strategic Plan 2023-2027

HR Excellence in Research

On the 31st of March 2015 the Girona Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBGI) received the "HR Excellence in Research Award". This award and its logo reflect the IDIBGI’s commitment to continously improve its human resources policies and practices in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter & Code),

The Charter and Code is addressed to researchers as well as to employers and funders in both the public and private sectors. They are key elements in the European Union's policy to make research an attractive career, which is a vital feature of its strategy to stimulate economic and employment growth.

The Girona Biomedical Research Institute endorsed the Charter and Code in May 2011, and joined the Fourth Cohort of the Institutional Human Resources Strategy Group in 2012, attending the Kick-off meeting of the group project in Brussels. Thereon the IDIBGI started implementing their own Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R).

For more information


Equality Plan

The Girona Institute of Biomedical Research has an Equality Plan since 2014. It is renewed periodically to continue working against gender discrimination and to ensure greater equality among the entire staff of the institution.

The Equality Committee periodically monitors the Plan of actions that follows from the Equality Plan, while collecting proposals and debating on aspects relevant to guaranteeing optimal working conditions, access, occupational health, reconciliation with family personal, etc.

Among other lines of action, emphasis is placed on training, sensitization, and awareness, not only for the members of the Equality Committee but on the whole research staff. However, it is important to have tools and protocols planned to prevent, combat and act in the face of possible situations of gender discrimination or violence.
For more information click here.

Corporative video

