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The Mental Health and Addictions Research Group of the IDIBGI is made up of a team of multidisciplinary professionals from the Mental Health and Addictions Network of the Healthcare Institute de Girona, recognized for the “development of a model of community care in mental health and addictions that has closed the psychiatric hospital” (Premi Experiències. Jornada 25 Anys al Servei del Sistema Nacional de Salut de Catalunya: Mirem cap al Futur, 2016).

Main lines of research

The main lines of research are clinical, although we have three lines that are transversal and that relate to clinical research


  1. Clinical:
    1. Psychosis: neurobiology, brain imaging, psychological treatment, online cognitive rehabilitation and the impact of functionalism.
    2. Clinical trials with pharmaceutical treatments: depression, psychosis.
    3. The impact of cognitive function in mental disorders.
    4. Comorbidities of mental disorders: cardiovascular risk factors.
    5. Addictions: identification of the risk factors of poor prognosis, carrying out interventions.
    6. Suicidal behaviour: epidemiology, diagnosis, genetic aspects and treatment.


  1. Assessment of Mental Health programmes and support in decision making for those responsible for planning care in mental health.
  2. ICT: How to incorporate e-health technologies (IC Technologies applied to health), remote assistance and m-health (use of mobile technology) in mental health.
  3. Patient safety, systematizing the identification of events or circumstances that may have given rise to, or have indeed given rise to unnecessary harm to a patient, and suggesting improvements.
Strategic objectives
  • To carry out research enabling increased knowledge of mental disorders, improving their treatment and recovery, personal empowerment and the quality of care of people with mental health problems.
  • To promote participation in research from professionals from the Mental Health and Addictions Network, increasing the critical mass of full time researchers.
  • To establish alliances to carry out joint research projects with other research groups from the IDIBGI.
  • To encourage participation from researchers from the research group in multicentre projects, allowing alliances with other research centres to be strengthened.
Espinosa V, Naides N, López-Carrilero R, Vila-Badia R, Colomer-Salvans A, Barajas A, Barrigón ML, Birulés I, Butjosa A, Díaz-Cutraro L, Del Cacho N, Frigola-Capell E, González-Higueras F, Grasa E, Gutiérrez-Zotes A, Lorente-Rovira E, Moreno-Kustner B, Pélaez T, Pousa E, Ruiz-Delgado I, Serra-Arumí C, Verdaguer-Rodríguez M, Usall J, Ochoa S

The influence of gender in cognitive insight and cognitive bias in people with first-episode psychosis: an uncontrolled exploratory analysis

Roche D, Mora T, Cid J

Identifying non-adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder individuals using a stacked machine learning algorithm using administrative data population registers in a universal healthcare system.

Jcpp Advances, 2024, 4, 12193-12193
Espinosa V, Bagaeva A, López-Carrilero R, Barajas A, Barrigón ML, Birulés I, Frígola-Capell E, Díaz-Cutraro L, González-Higueras F, Grasa E, Gutiérrez-Zotes A, Lorente-Rovira E, Pélaez T, Pousa E, Ruiz-Delgado I, Verdaguer-Rodríguez M, Ochoa S

Neuropsychological profiles in first-episodes psychosis and their relationship with clinical, metacognition and social cognition variables

Vila-Badia R, Ochoa S, Fábrega-Ruz J, Gonzalez-Caballero JL, Romero C, Cid J, Frigola-Capell E, Salvador-Carulla L, Moreno-Küstner B

Sex differences in patient-reported outcome measure of psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia.

Corrivetti, G, Monaco, F, Vignapiano, A, Marenna, A, Palm, K, Fernández-Arroyo, S, Frigola-Capell, E, Leen, V, Ibarrola, O, Amil, B, Caruson, MM, Chiariotti, L, Palacios-Ariza, MA, Hoekstra, PJ, Chiang, HY, Floares, A, Fagiolini, A, Fasano, A

Optimizing and Predicting Antidepressant Efficacy in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder Using Multi-Omics Analysis and the Opade AI Prediction Tools

Brain Sciences, 2024, 14
Pousa E, Brébion G, López-Carrilero R, Ruiz AI, Grasa E, Barajas A, Cobo J, Gutiérrez-Zotes A, Lorente E, Barrigón ML, Ruiz-Delgado I, González-Higueras F, Frigola-Capell E, Ochoa S

Predictors of clinical insight in first-episode psychosis: Different patterns in men and women.

PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH, 2024, 339, 116036-116036
López-Carrilero, R, Lo Monaco, M, Frígola-Capell, E, Ferrer-Quintero, M, Díaz-Cutraro, L, Verdaguer-Rodríguez, M, García-Mieres, H, Vila-Badia, R, Punsoda-Puche, P, Birulés, I, Peláez, T, Pousa, E, Grasa, E, Barajas, A, Ruiz-Delgado, I, Barrigón, ML, Gonzalez-Higueras, F, Lorente-Rovira, E, Gutiérrez-Zotes, A, Cid, J, Legido, T, Ayesa-Arriola, R, Moritz, S, Ochoa, S

Cognitive insight in first-episode psychosis: Exploring the complex relationship between executive functions and social cognition

Spanish Journal of Psychiatry and Mental Health, 2024, 17, 160-167
Frigola-Capell E, Fabregas L, Juanola M, Soms M, Hernández M, Grau R, Alarcón N, Colomer N, Cid J, Cuartero-Barbanoj A, Garcia J

Integrated psychological intervention programme for frontline healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. A qualitative study.

Archivos De Prevencion De Riesgos Laborales, 2024, 27, 157-172
Sastre-Buades A, Caro-Cañizares I, Ochoa S, Lorente-Rovira E, Barajas A, Gutiérrez-Zotes A, Sánchez-Alonso S, López-Carrilero R, Grasa E, Pousa E, Pélaez T, Cid J, González-Higueras F, Ruiz-Delgado I, Baca-Garcia E, Spanish Metacognition Study Group, Barrigon ML

Relationship between cognition and suicidal behavior in recent-onset psychosis

SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH, 2023, 252, 172-180
Mora T, Puig-Junoy J, Jacobs R, Cid J

Differential costs for the non-adult ADHD population in Catalonia

Health Economics Review, 2023, 13, 24-24
Competitive projects
Codi oficial: 101095436 Start date:01/12/2022 Data fi: 31/05/2027 Investigador/a principal: EVA FRIGOLA CAPELL Organisme finançador: EUROPEAN COMISSION
Codi oficial: 101155881 Start date:28/11/2024 Data fi: 31/12/2029 Investigador/a principal: EVA FRIGOLA CAPELL Organisme finançador: EUROPEAN COMISSION
Job offers


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