The Research Group in Radiation Oncology and Medical Physics of Girona (ONCORFIM Girona) is a multidisciplinary group whose mission is to improve oncological outcomes and quality of life of our patients by applying new technologies.
The way to achieve this goal, will be from the following key points for us.
Line 1: Prevention of cardiotoxicity and radiotherapy in breast cancer.
Prevention of cardiotoxicity in breast cancer patients undergoing cardiotoxic treatments such as radiotherapy (Arantxa Eraso).
Cardiotoxicity in external radiotherapy: clinical impact of the dose delivered (Ingrid Romera).
The following projects are underway within this line:
Line 2: Technological advances in radiotherapy (ablative radiotherapy, intraoperative radiotherapy techniques, new techniques and quality in radiotherapy).
Line 3: Biomarkers of response to radiotherapy.
Line 4: e-Health and humanization in the Radiation Oncology process.
IROCATES: Quality improvement in Radiation Oncology through Clinical Audits. Principal Investigators: Carles Muñoz and Àlvar Roselló.
The objective of the group is to conduct research in the hospital setting in an area in which technological advances are oriented towards the modification of clinical practice towards personalized and precision medicine: Treatment for the right patient vs. treatment for a disease.
Linfadenectomía axilar versus radioterapia axilar en pacientes con ganglio centinela positivo tras terapia neodyuvante. Estudio multicéntrico randomizado fase III.
Codi oficial: ADARNAT I Start date:09/12/2022 Data fi: 09/12/2027 Investigador/a principal: LUIS MIGUEL ALONSO RUANO, ARANTXA ERASO URIÉN Organisme finançador: ASSOCIACIÓ ESPANYOLA CONTRA EL CÀNCERAjuts per donar suport a les activitats dels grups de recerca de Catalunya (SGR-Cat 2021) - Oncologia radioteràpica i Física Mèdica de Girona (ONCORFIM Girona)
Codi oficial: 2021 SGR 01463 - ONCORFIM Girona Start date:01/01/2022 Data fi: 30/06/2025 Investigador/a principal: ARANTXA ERASO URIÉN Organisme finançador: AGÈNCIA DE GESTIÓ UNIVERSITARIS I RECERCAPreparatory activities to support Implementation of quality and Safety of Medical ionising radiation Applications
Codi oficial: 101162826 Start date:01/05/2024 Data fi: 31/10/2025 Investigador/a principal: ARANTXA ERASO URIÉN Organisme finançador: EUROPEAN COMISSIONCatalan Clinical Audit network for Quality Improvement in RT
Codi oficial: 101161063 Start date:01/10/2024 Data fi: 30/09/2027 Investigador/a principal: CARLES MUÑOZ MONTPLET Organisme finançador: EUROPEAN COMISSIONCarles Muñoz, Ingrid Romera, Diego Jurado, Jordi Marruecos, Salvador Bou, Roger Grèbol.
Número de publicació: ES1165083
Data de publicació: 2016-09-21