The Metabolic Maternal-Fetal Research Group is a multidisciplinary group (basic and clinical research staff in pediatrics and gynecology) that studies several metabolic and epigenetic markers associated with pre and postnatal development in order to identify the pediatric population at risk of developing metabolic diseases.
The group is characterized by extensive experience in both clinical and basic applied research, supported by competitive and overlapping funding of National and European research projects, as well as by publications in international journals of the first quartile and decile in the line of energy metabolism from gestation to the pediatric age.
Main line of research:
Specific lines of research:
Análisis longitudinal de las marcas de metilación del DNA asociadas con la obesidad infantil
Codi oficial: PI20/00399 Start date:01/01/2021 Data fi: 31/12/2024 Investigador/a principal: JUDIT BASSOLS CASADEVALL Organisme finançador: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS IIIEstudio de marcas epigenéticas relacionadas con la obesidad en trios madre-padre-hijo: transmisión parental e influencia ambiental
Codi oficial: PI23/00545 Start date:01/01/2024 Data fi: 31/12/2024 Investigador/a principal: JUDIT BASSOLS CASADEVALL Organisme finançador: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS IIINutrients 2024 Travel Award
Codi oficial: NUTRIENTS_2024_AGV Start date:26/03/2024 Data fi: 31/12/2024 Investigador/a principal: ARIADNA GÓMEZ VILARRUBLA Organisme finançador: MDPI AG