The main research focus of our group involves an Integrative Systems Medicine approach, with a particular emphasis on understanding the role of the gut microbiome in ageing, cognitive performance, and metabolic and mental health. To achieve our objectives, we undertake highly multidisciplinary research that combines cutting-edge post-genomic technologies—including shotgun metagenomics, NMR and HPLC-MS/MS metabolomics and lipidomics, and RNA sequencing, among others—with advanced computational bioinformatic techniques such as machine learning, chemometrics, and multivariate statistics.
The group has extensive experience in bioinformatic analysis of single-omics datasets and integrating omics data. Our research is conducted on large human cohorts and validate our findings using pre-clinical models such as mice and Drosophila melanogaster.
Our ultimate goal is to mine and integrate high-throughput omics and clinical data to obtain a holistic understanding of the complex host-microbiome interactions and the multifactorial, heterogeneous nature of non-communicable diseases. Through this work, we seek to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying health and disease. We strive to identify new biomarkers or signatures that can serve as the foundation for developing efficient personalized, tailor-made therapies, as well as diagnostic, prognostic, and monitoring tools for clinical translation.
- Role of the microbiome on metabolic health (e.g., obesity, MASLD, diabetes), behaviour (food addiction), cognitive performance, mental health (depression, anxiety), and neurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer’s disease)
- Influence of non-bacterial biomes (viruses, archaea, protists, and fungi) in cognition and metabolic and mental health
- Gut microbial metabolism of histidine in MASLD and other obesity-related metabolic diseases
- Gut microbial regulation of tryptophan metabolism in cognition and mental and metabolic health.
- Impact of the microbiome-gut-brain axis and the fat-brain axis on depression
- Role of the gut microbiome in the early stage and progression of Alzheimer’s disease
- Role and mechanisms of the gut microbiome in ageing and age-related cognitive decline
- Influence of the gut bacteria and viruses on food addiction.
Our key objectives are:
To achieve these objectives, we aim to:
Ajuda de personal FI - Sara Pauli
Codi oficial: 2023_FI_1 00515 Sara Pauli Start date:01/06/2023 Data fi: 31/05/2026 Investigador/a principal: JORDI MAYNERIS PERXACHS, SARA PAULÍ I PLA Organisme finançador: AGÈNCIA DE GESTIÓ UNIVERSITARIS I RECERCAPapel del eje Microbioma-Intestino-Cerebro en la relación bidireccional entre obesidad y depresión: metabolitos y miRNAs como mediadores.
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Codi oficial: CNS2023-144218 Start date:01/04/2024 Data fi: 30/06/2026 Investigador/a principal: JORDI MAYNERIS PERXACHS Organisme finançador: MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA E INNOVACIONDesarrollo de modelos personalizados para el estudio del eje microbiota-intestino-cerebro en la progresión de trastornos cognitivos asociados a la enfermedad de Alzheimer
Codi oficial: 2023_IBEC_JMP Start date:01/03/2024 Data fi: 30/06/2025 Investigador/a principal: JORDI MAYNERIS PERXACHS Organisme finançador: FUNDACIO INSTITUT DE BIOENGINYERIA DE CATALUNYA