Improve the detection and management of patients with intermediate cardiovascular risk and the detection of CV disease in the asymptomatic phase and analyse the cost effectiveness of interventions for the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
L-WORLD IN HEALTH:Filling knowledge gaps and promoting competent primary care for Lesbians
Codi oficial: 101144766 Start date:01/04/2024 Data fi: 31/03/2026 Investigador/a principal: ANNA PONJOAN THÄNS Organisme finançador: EUROPEAN COMISSION- Baena Díez, JM; Barcelo Colomer, E; Ciurana Misol, R; Franzi Sisó, A; García Cerdán, MR; Ríos Rodríguez, MA; Ramos Blanes, R; Solanas Saura, P; Vilaseca Canals,J. Colesterol i risc coronari.Barcelona: Institut Català de la Salut, 2009. Guies de pràctica clínica i material docent, núm. 2017