Five innovation projects from the Girona Innovation Support Unit (ITEMAS-Girona) have been recognized in the national support program for innovative health projects to boost their transferability. This program, promoted by the ITEMAS platform of the Carlos III Health Institute, holds its first edition for the 2024-2026 period. It highlights the most outstanding projects nationwide with the ITEMAS Quality Seal and selects the top ten projects to benefit from acceleration services.
Five out of six projects submitted by the ITEMAS-Girona Unit, coordinated by the Girona Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBGI), received the ITEMAS Quality Seal for their excellence and transferability potential. Two of these projects were selected among the top 10 with the highest transfer potential, qualifying for ITEMAS acceleration services to support their process.
The selected projects include the Virtual Lipidologist from the Health Corporation of Maresme and La Selva (CSMS) and the EVIMATIC project from the University of Girona (UdG) in collaboration with IDIBGI:
Nationally, 40 projects from 33 units were submitted to the ITEMAS program, with a strong focus on digital health, medical device development, and artificial intelligence.
About the Girona Innovation Support Unit (ITEMAS-Girona)
The ITEMAS Unit is coordinated by IDIBGI and integrated by Hospital Dr. Josep Trueta – Catalan Health Institute (ICS) Girona, Girona Health Assistance Institute (IAS), Hospital of Olot and Garrotxa Regional Foundation (FHOCG), Health Corporation of Maresme and La Selva (CSMS), Empordà Health Foundation (FSE), Baix Empordà Integrated Health Services (SSIBE), Albera Salut, and Campdevànol Hospital (FPHC).