At the Hospital Universitari de Girona Dr. Josep Trueta and other affiliated centres, as in most hospitals, in addition to patient assistance, biomedical research is carried out. The purpose of this research is to progress in the knowledge of diseases and their prevention, diagnosis and treatment. This requires collecting clinical data and biological samples from patients and healthy donors to analyse it and draw conclusions. Many of the scientific advances obtained in recent years in medicine are the result of this type of study.
A biobank is a public and non-profit establishment, which houses several collections of biological samples conceived for biomedical research purposes and organized as a technical unit with quality, order and destination criteria.
The function of the biobank is to serve as a bridge between the donor and the researcher, watching over the donor's wishes and supporting the value of the research. In order to ensure a quality service in research and legally protect the entire process, the biobank manages all aspects from the time of collection of samples and clinical data to processing, storage and cession of samples to scientific projects of maximum interest, always under the supervision of a scientific committee and ethics committee.
Donations of biological samples to the IDIBGI Biobank, which is operated by the Girona Biomedical Research Institute Dr. Josep Trueta (IDIBGI), are totally voluntary and free. In this sense, you will not obtain any economic benefit for the donation or for your participation in the ensuing research studies. Before making the donation, you must sign an informed consent.
The personal data obtained in the donation will be treated and stored fulfilling at all times the duty of secret, in accordance with current legislation.
You can withdraw consent at any time after the signature of the donation of samples without having to explain the reasons and, obviously, without this having an impact on your present or future medical care. The revocation of consent must be requested in writing to the director of the IDIBGI Biobank by postal mail (Biobank IDIBGI – Parc Hospitalari Martí i Julià (Edifici M2) – C/ Dr. Castany, s/n – 17190 Salt) or by email (
Donors are essential for biomedical research. If you want to be one, get in touch with us and we will explain the different options and the process to follow.
The IDIBGI Biobank team thanks you in advance!