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Request samples

The request form for human biological samples from the different collections and / or data is the first formal step to request material from the IDIBGI Biobank. Once filled-out it is necessary to send it to along with the approval of the research project by the local Ethics Committee.


Once all the documentation is received and having confirmed the availability of the samples and / or data, the Biobank will be in charge of processing the request with the Committee of Ethics and the External Scientific Committee (as established by Royal Decree 1716/2011). These committees will assess the request and the research project, and will ensure the ethical, legal and rational use of the samples that the Biobank makes available to the scientific community.

Only requests receiving approval from both committees and the approval of the scientific director of the Biobank will be processed. In cases where evaluation of the request by the Collection's internal Scientific Committee is necessary, it will also be necessary to gain their approval.

Finally, before or at the time of the sample shipment, the Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) between the applicant researcher and the Biobank must be signed.


For any questions or comments, get in touch.

Request form

