Type of donor
Donors who meet the following criteria.
Inclusion criteria:
- Pregnant women, babies from 0 to 24 months of age and fathers.
- Sign informed consent. In the case of new-borns, parents must have previously accepted the inclusion of the child in the study and signed informed consent.
Exclusion criteria:
- Mothers and / or children with serious chronic diseases, chronic diseases of an inflammatory nature or acute diseases intercurrent in the last 15 days before the incorporation into the study, abnormalities in blood count, liver, kidneys or thyroid function, children with chronic medication, non-Caucasian race children, and children whose parents disagree with the study.
Number: Over 440 donors.
Type of samples
Serum, plasma, buffy coat, placenta, umbilical cord and umbilical cord blood.
Collection point
Having biological samples and associated data to conduct follow-up studies of the Girona population of mothers during pregnancy and their children during the first years of life to study risk factors for developing metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, as well as diseases related to growth and diseases in the community (infectious, nutritional, etc.).